We’ve got a few talks for 2012 organised so far, as I go out and about with the pictures, films and the like, talking about daffodil growing and the farm over the past 100 years. Looking forward to these as always – the travelling might not be so great but the warm welcome and enthusiastic questions are always good.
January 23rd at Frodsham Garden Club
February 14th at Eaton WI
February 20th at Hazel Grove, Stockport
March 1st at Manley Garden Club
March 6th at Tiverton Garden Club
March 21st at Crewe and Nantwich U3A (at 10:30am! Bloody hell!)
I am the leader of the Crewe and Nantwich Gardening Group 2.
I see you have us down for a talk but could we come to you on the 21st March for a walk?
Hi Margaret,
are your group still joining us for a 10.30 walk next Wed the 21st? If so how many will you be and will you be wanting refreshments afterwards?. ( The £5.00 charge is for the walk and tea / coffee & cake). Also could you let me have your Tel no please just in case of any hitches, many thanks , if its easier give me a call 01606 889380
kind regards, Gail.
Just wanted to say again how much I enjoyed your talk last night at Frodsham Gardening Club – the reaction of the members I hope left you in know doubt how much they had also enjoyed your company
Looking forward to joining you on one of your walks
Jo Bott
FGC Trip Organiser