2021 Update

Unfortunately we will not able to open the farm for walks this year due to the virus restrictions,
Gail will be making videos around the daffodil fields as the seasons progress, also we will be taking freshly picked daffodils to various businesses in the area to be sold for Macmillan cancer care, details on our facebook page.

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3 Responses to 2021 Update

  1. Mary says:

    Are you open in 2022 for daffodils?

    • Gail says:

      Hi Mary,
      Sorry no due to a change in circumstances we are not open. I will be cutting some Daffs to sell if you want any. ( proceeds to Macmillan)

  2. Janet Ford says:

    DEar Gail
    I am so sorry you will nbot be opening your daffodil fields this year, I planned to bring several friends who have not been before. Durely in the open air we would all be safe to walk round? Janet Ford Feb 28th 2022

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