The guided daffodil walks for 2012 will be available from Monday 26th March to Sunday 8th April inclusive!
These need to be booked in advance (see the bookings page for details) and places may be limited on busiest days.
I have planted up over four thousand new bulbs into various areas for those who take their own walks to enjoy, along the paths and in the wooded areas. I have also increased the numbers in the nursery and seedling beds so there will be some new varieties to see and enjoy! Looking forward to seeing you (perhaps again) this year!
Hi Margaret,
sorry for delay in reply ive been having some pc issues!
Yes that is great if you want to visit us for your talk, will probably be better as im sure we’ll have quite a lot out then with this mild weather.
I will book you in at 10.30 on 21st March, could you please let me know approx numbers,
many thanks,
direct email 01606 889380
hi len hope to see you this year on one of your walks if the weather is ok we could not make it last year the weather was to bad and my cheast was not to good if it is possible can you letus no when you start all the best to both of you see you soon grace and barrie
Hi Barrie, nice to hear from you, we start the walks 26th March – *th April, hope to see you and Grace one of the days, regards Gail.